Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 2 - USGS Topographic Maps

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle

2. Adjoining quadrangles include: Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, and Inglewood (#6 was not included).

3. The quadrangle was first created in 1966.

4. The datum used to create this map included: North American Datum of 1927, National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, and North American Datum of 1983.

5. The scale of the map is 1: 24,000.

6. a) 1:24,000 --> 5 cm*24,000 = 120,000 cm/100 = 1200 m
    b) 1:24,000 --> 5 in*24,000 = 120,000 in/63,360 = 1.89 mi
    c) 1:24,000 --> (1 mi = 63,360 in) 63,360 in = 24,000x --> 2.64 in
    d) 1:24,000 --> (1 km = 100,000 cm) 300,000 cm = 24,000x --> 12.5 cm

7. The contour interval is 20 feet on the map.

8. [Decimal Degrees: DD= D + m/60 + s/3600 ]
    a) Public Affairs Building: 34° 04' 30" N, 118° 26' 12" W; +34.0750, -118.4367
    b) Santa Monica Pier: 34° 00' 25" N, 118° 30' 02" W; +34.0069, -118.5006
    c) Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir: 34° 07' 10" N, 118° 24' 35" W; +34.1194, -118.4097

9. a) Greystone Mansion elevation: 560 ft (170.688 m)
    b) Woodlawn Cemetary elevation: 140 ft (42.672 m)
    c) Crestwood Hills Park elevation: 700 ft (213.360 m)

10. The UTM zone for this map is zone 11.

11. 3762950 m North and 361500 m East

12. Each northing line is separated by 1,000 m as is each easting line.  Therefore, the square meters within each cell of the UTM gridlines is 1,000m*1,000m = 1,000,000 meters squared


14. The magnetic declination is 14°.

15. The river flows from north to south (with slight bends to the west then east)


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